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After the success of the CR-10 and CR-10S, Creality now offers a revision of their CR-10 series, the V2 (for version 2). Creality sent me a machine so that I could test it and give my opinion.

Creality CR-10 v2 Resellers
CR-10 v2 (Creality Official Store)
CR-10 v2 (Amazon UK)
CR-10 V2 (Comgrow Store)
CR-10 V2 (AliExpress Store)
I had already tested the CR-10 2 years ago, which I was happy with, this machine was a big success, before the release of its little sister the Ender3 which has become even more popular since.
Creality then released an improved version of the CR-10, the “S” version, which was equipped with a dual motor for the Z axis, a filament end sensor and a print restart in case of a cut.
Since then, the CR-10 range had not seen any further development, while the competition was offering machines with new features at ever more attractive prices. Creality had to react and update its CR-10 range.
Creality took inspiration from the community’s improvements to propose this version 2, with the same improvements as the S version, and the following upgrades:
– New Creality 2.5.2 motherboard with TMC2208 (silent)
– Triangle reinforcement for better stability
– 24v 350w power supply
– Bowden metal extruder
– Cooling of the printing area with double fan
– Ultra low profile platen
– Abandonment of the “drawing clamps” to hold the plate, with a new integrated clip system (very practical)
To consult the complete file of this machine, go directly to the official website.
The official retail price is $499, or about 450€, a relatively good price for this volume of printing.
The CR-10 V2 is well equipped with a silent motherboard, but is not equipped with a BL Touch for autoleveling, but Creality offers an easy to install BL Touch upgrade kit, they have already pre-wired the BL Touch so you can easily install it without disassembling the machine, the firmware with the pre-configured BL Touch is also available directly on the Creality website. I also received this upgrade kit, which I will talk about in more detail in this article.
In the same way, Creality has also provided an upgrade kit for users who prefer to be in direct drive, rather than bowden, so you will find directly on their website a titan upgrade kit specially designed for the CR-10 V2.
Of course you are free to make the modifications of your choice on this machine, most of the upgrades initially planned for the CR10S should work on this V2, we underline the effort of Creality to propose these kits ready to use, what to reassure and facilitate the task for the beginners users.
The last small improvement on this CR10 V2, before unpacking, is the abandonment of the micro-SD format for the standard SD format (large format), it’s a small detail, but personally I have always found the micro-SD format too fragile/too small, many users had modified their CR10/S to switch to this format.
Now let’s unpack the machine!
It is a pre-assembled machine, with all the electronics in a separate box, some will appreciate it, others less… if you prefer structures with integrated electronics, you will have to turn to the Pro version, more expensive, but without a separate box! The advantage of having a separate box is that you can put the printer in a box (for ABS printing for example) and keep the electronic part in a cool place, out of the box.
You will find all the usual accessories to get started, and it takes about 30 minutes to be “ready to print”, assembly is really easy.
Before starting the first print, you will have to check all the eccentrics of the machine, and adjust the height of the plate with a sheet, you will find many videos illustrating this procedure.
Note that Creality has replaced the plastic extruder with a metal version, which looks much stronger!

For the first test print, a money cat is already present on the SD card, the rendering is really clean.
Other example models are also present on the card, here are the results, I did not encounter any particular problem on these first 3 prints, I could during these prints notice the efficiency of the silent drivers! This CR-10 V2 is really quiet during printing, it’s very appreciable.

The next print, before moving on to the BL Touch installation, I wanted to try the flatness of the platen before installing the BL Touch, and it does very well!
It’s true that once you get used to setting the tray with a sheet, if your tray is flat, you won’t need a BL Touch especially, after that the BL Touch will make it easier, especially if you are a beginner.
Let’s move on to the installation of the BL Touch
The kit sold by Creality is an official kit, made by antclabs, here is a small video illustrating the contents of the kit.
I will not detail the installation procedure, Creality has made a video tutorial for the installation of this kit on the CR-10 V2
The installation is relatively simple, after removing the protective cover located on the extruder motor, you will have access to the connector for the BL Touch, you will then have to pass the cable through the sheath to the head, and fix the BL Touch with the metal support provided, then flash the printer with a firmware provided directly on the Creality website, finally you will have to calibrate your Z-offset and you’ll be ready to use your BL Touch!
Be careful when calibrating the Z-offset, don’t crush it too much for the first try, you could scratch the plate, it’s better to be too high at the beginning, and go down gradually!
Remember to add the instruction “G29” in your starting g-code just after the instruction “G28”, this will test the plate just before starting the printing.
Once the BL Touch is installed, here are some results of my first layers, it’s super clean!

Some complete prints made with the BL Touch

In conclusion, this CR-10 V2 is an interesting improvement of the CR-10 range, I appreciate the silence of this machine, and also its printing results. It’s a pity that the BL Touch is not fitted as standard, but it works very well without it.
A triangle support kit is supplied with the machine, you will have noticed that I have not installed it, as I have not found the need for it yet, it is certainly useful if you are printing very high parts, which I have not done yet.
I have found the grip of the plate supplied with the machine to be excellent, I have since printed over 200 hours with this machine and I have never encountered a problem with the grip, as far as maintenance is concerned, all I have to do is clean it with 99% IPA alcohol and avoid touching the plate with my fingers.
I also have the titan kit to try in direct drive, but I find for the moment the bowden full metal extruder very efficient, it’s a very good improvement compared to the old CR-10S for which this part was in plastic and often criticized, it will be the subject of a future test!
If you are interested in this machine, I would advise you to visit the official website, because some retailers like banggood do not always respect delivery times and you will not get the manufacturer’s warranty directly from Creality.

Creality CR-10 v2 Resellers
CR-10 v2 (Creality Official Store)
CR-10 (Amazon UK)
CR-10 V2 (Comgrow Store)
CR-10 V2 (AliExpress Store)